Sunrise Odyssey
A 13th Age Campaign
- Ruleset: 13th Age Core + True Ways expansion
- Setting: The Dragon Empire
- Lys - TBD
- Lusist - Lusist (Druid)
- Sparklemancer - Gyodion (Bard)
- Erso - TBD
Player Checklist
- Complete Characte Sheet (Chapters 2, 3, 4)
- Review Icons (Chapter 1)
- Review The Dragon Empire setting (Chapter 8)
- Decide on a starting location (Chapter 8)
- Decide why your party members are together
House Rules
- bss's Toughness:
Adventurer Tier: Increase your baseline hit points value by 1 (i.e., a wizard with bss's Toughness has the hit points of a cleric). You cannot take both this feat and ordinary Toughness.
House rule taken from friend bss, as we felt the default Toughness feat is not strong enough. - Sereth's Surprising (Half-Elf Racial Power):
Once per battle, add or subtract one from the natural result of one of your own d20 rolls.
Starting Area
The party begins in Concord. Known as the City of Spires, it sits between beast tribe-inhabited river delta to the west and the Elf Queen's forest domain to the east. The majestic elven architecture dominating the skyline may at quick glance hide the true diversity of this city - populated not just by elves, but humans, dwarves, and all sorts of beast tribes. Even the disagreeable kobolds manage to get along well enough to make a home here. This melting pot of cultures surely has the attention of The Great Gold Whisker who is seen as a champion of those races that would otherwise be swept away into irrelevance.
The Great Gold Whisker
This elusive icon stands for the forgotten "lesser" races of the realm. These beast tribes - kobolds, sahagin, geckaru, and the like - are generally looked over as insignificant oddities at best or annoying pests at worst. With no true nation to call their own, they are generally scattered and without central purpose or champions. The Great Gold Whisker is a rallying beacon to some of these people - a potential leader to vie with the likes of the Emperor and Elf Queen to secure their piece of the world. At the very least, the Great Gold Whisker would defend these tribes from undue slaughter or injustices. What the Great Gold Whisker looks like is another thing altogether... they seem to take the form of any of the beast tribes who look up to them.
Allies: Perhaps the best alliance the Great Gold Whisker could afford is simply to be tolerated by other world powers. Whether through pity or just plain disinterest, the Emperor, the Elf Queen, and the Dwarf King seem to have no quarrel with them. The diabolist has been known to sway beast tribes to her side, but whether this is a true friendship or simply her taking advantage of them, who can say?
Enemies: What icon would really feel threatened by the most rag-tag assembly of creatures?
History: The Great Gold Whisker seems more folk tale than reality, and one constantly changing shapes depending on which beast tribe tells it. But recent concentrated organization and cooperation among certain beast tribes makes one wonder about these tales - after all, could these tribes really muster the drive to unite without a powerful force to help them?
The True Danger: If the Orc Lord or other unsavory types realized the potential of a unified and focused army of beast tribes...